No More Bondage

“Therefore say to the children of Israel: ‘I am the Lord; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage…”                                                                                    Exodus 6:6 (NKJV) 

“Freeze!” That would be the dreaded word of the opposing team, which we heard as children whenever we played a ‘Freeze and Melt’ game.  We would then yearn to feel the relieving touch of a team member and hear the welcome word, “Melt!” 

Such is our state of mind when we are under bondage in our life’s journey. We can be in bondage from situations resulting from the choices we make, or in other cases, from situations set up by others.

For centuries, the Israelites were in bondage and were made to carry the heavy burdens placed on them by the Egyptians. The bondage was not only physical but even their natural blessings from God Almighty were used by the Egyptians to crush their spirits. 

We are told by God in Genesis 1:28 – “Be fruitful and multiply!” And multiply they did, but this provided yet another opportunity for those who had them in bondage to cause them to cry out in grief and frustration as the instruction was given to kill their newborn sons.

God Almighty heard the cries of His people, and He responded. Just as He hears our cries today and has responded. He sent His servant Moses to say to the Israelites, and by way of the Abrahamic Covenant to us, “I am The Lord. I will bless you. I will redeem you!” (Genesis 12:1-3; Romans 11: 17-18).

What a wonderful assurance for those of us under burdens of grief, injustice, financial hardships, abuse, overwork, infidelity, bad habits, godlessness, ingratitude, and all other burdens life may throw our way.

Today, it doesn’t matter how long you were in bondage. It doesn’t matter what form of bondage you are under. What matters is that our God, who is faithful and cannot lie, has said He will bring us out from under the burdens and rescue us from bondage. 

Like the childhood game, you and I are no longer ‘frozen’ in bondage. God’s love has ‘melted’ us and freed us to run again with smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts! Trust Him.


Heavenly Father, we thank You that You are a good and loving Father. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, to break every yoke from our necks. We freely accept the yoke of Jesus, which is easy, and embrace the simple and light burden of loving You and helping our fellow men. We promise never again to allow ourselves to come under the burden of the evil one as we live, in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Read: Exodus 6:2-9; 1 Peter 1: 18-22

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 9:1-12; Luke 13:1-30; Deuteronomy 13; Deuteronomy 14

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